Saturday 22 March 2014

Popular Gas Furnaces Used By Edmonton Homeowners

The most highly popular fuel for heating in Edmonton, Alberta is gas. The gas heater or furnace in your home is an extremely vital appliance that you need to work reliably, quietly and efficiently. 

Have the knowledge of the different types of available gas furnaces prior to talking to professional in Edmonton about getting a replacement furnace. Apart from this, have an idea of what makes gas furnaces different and their expected efficiency.

Types of Gas Furnaces 

As a result of the various technologies utilized to meet the efficiency of energy, different types of forced air furnaces came to being. 

There are two broad types of gas furnace.
  • Condensing furnace
  • Conventional furnace

The by-products of burning natural gas for heating your home using your furnace are combustion gases; these gases must be expelled out of your house.

Using a conventional furnace which is under 90% efficient, combustion gases are expelled via a vertical vent incorporated with your system. A definite amount of heat is always lost as the combustion gases get expelled out through the vent. 

Highly efficient conventional furnaces remove excess heat with the aid of an additional exchanger; this maximizes efficiency of energy and you save more money.

Furnace Burner and Blower Operation 

Furnaces are broken down in stages based on the operation of the burner and the blower. “Stage” is the term used to denote the furnace’s burner operation and the operation of the blower; and it is also used indirectly to refer to level of complexity of the technology regulating the burner and the blower. The stages of mention are:

  • One-stage or single furnace
  • Two-stage or dual-stage furnace
  • Modulating furnace
The one-stage or single furnace is the least expensive among the three stages; this implies that both burner and blower has a one (single) “on” stage.

The two-stage or dual-stage furnace possess electronic regulators that permit the flame of the burner to be set to high or low, depending on the preferred level of heat.

A modulating furnace also has electric controls but they are for controlling the burner and motor of the blower. These controls permit very adequate regulations to the setting of the burner and the speed of the blower motor, and modulate both to retain the temperature of the room near to the setting of the thermostat.

Furnace Efficiency Ratings 

The gas furnace currently in your house, or you’re planning to get one, can be categorized into the following based on the class of efficiency:

  • Low Efficiency Furnace (78% AFUE)
  • Mid-Efficiency or Standard Gas Furnace (80-83% AFUE)
  • High Efficiency Gas Furnace (90-98% AFUE and this is the minimum AFUE for new gas furnaces in Canada)
The metric that is used for measuring furnace efficiency is known as AFUE rating. The full meaning of AFUE is Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency and it measures the quantity of fuel that is converted to heat. 

ENERGY STAR® is an international high-efficiency product mark. This familiar mark allows easy identification of the best performing energy in the market. 

The EnerGuide program of Canada is a grading and labelling system that permits consumers to get the products that are most efficient in their class. The EnerGuide program supplies verified data about the performance of a product’s energy.


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